Professor Aileen San Pablo-Baviera
31 October 2014
About the Speaker: Professor Aileen San Pablo-Baviera is a Professor at the Asian Center, University of the Philippines, where she also served as Dean from 2003-2009. She also has a visiting professor appointment at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. Since July 2010, she has served as editor-in-chief of the refereed academic journal Asian Politics & Policy (Wiley-Blackwell).
She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Service in 1979, her Master of Arts in Asian Studies (specializing on East Asia-China) in 1987, and her Ph.D in Political Science (focusing on Comparative Politics and International Relations) in 2003, all from the University of the Philippines.Having trained in both area studies and international relations, her specializations include contemporary China, Southeast Asia-China relations, Asia Pacific security, with secondary interests in regional integration and Asian civil society. Her recent publications have focused on the South China Sea disputes, Chinese foreign relations, Philippines-China relations, and Philippine foreign policy. Over the years,Dr. Baviera has held visiting fellowships or delivered public lectures at various institutions, including the Australian National University and Griffith University (Australia); Peking University, Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Xiamen University and Shenzhen University (China); University of Tokyo and Japan Institute for International Affairs (Japan); Jawaharlal Nehru University and Delhi University (India); IKMAS-National University of Malaysia and National Defense University of Malaysia (Malaysia); S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Singapore); National Chengchi University (Taiwan), and the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (United States). She has authored over one hundred published works, delivered presentations and remarks at over 200 international conferences, and convened close to 40 roundtables and conferences.She has advised pro bono, past or present, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of National Defense, the National Security Council and the Philippine Navy. She has also lectured at the Foreign Service Institute, the National Defense College and various training institutions of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
As a former member of the East Asia Vision Group, she participated in processes leading to the strengthening of ASEAN Plus Three regional organization. Prior to joining academe, she had been head (1993-1998) of the Center for International Relations and Strategic Studies of the Philippine Foreign Service Institute, and Executive-Director (1998-2002) of the nonprofit development NGO – the Philippines-China Development Resource Center whose mandate was the promotion of Philippines-China development cooperation.Aside from her academic work, she is founding president of Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit established in 2014 to support projects and programs for international dialogue, cooperation, and cultural understanding. In 2015, she was a recipient of the U.P. Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award for her work in international strategic studies.