Dr. ANDIKA Ab. Wahab
Fellow, Institute of Malaysian & International Studies (IKMAS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Academic Qualifications
BA of Arts (2008), University of Malaya, ASEAN Studies
MA of Arts (2011), University of Malaya, Human Security
PhD (2017), National University of Malaysia, International Relations and Anthropology
Area of Expertise
International Migration & Human Rights
Human Security, Regionalism and Globalization
Corporate Anthropology, Responsible Business & The Politics of Sustainability
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- (2018) Rethinking Refuges as Economically Isolated: The Rohingyas’ Participation in Informal Economy in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Journal of ASEAN Studies, 5(1), 102-118. (Indexed by Directory of Open Access Journal [DOAJ], WorldCat, Directory of Research Journal Indexed [DRJI]). (ISSN – 2338-1353).
- (2018) The Colours of Exploitation: Smuggling of Rohingyas to Malaysia. Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences & Humanities, Akademika 88(1), 5-16. Doi.org/10.17576/akad-2018-8801-01 (ESCI Publication)
- (2018) The Smuggling Activity and Irregular Migration to Malaysia: A Case Study of the Muslim Rohingya from Myanmar. Global Journal of Al-Thaqafah (GJAT), Vol. 8(1), 73-81. (Scopus Publication)
- (2019). Transnationalism and Factors Influencing Rohingyas’ Migration from Bangladesh to Malaysia, Journal NUSANTARA Studies (JONUS), Vol.4(1), 49-68. (ESCI)
- (2019). Business and Human Rights in ASEAN: Lessons from the Palm Oil Sector in Malaysia, Journal of ASEAN Studies (JAS), 7(1), 73-85. Doi.org/10.21512/jas.v7i1.5520 (ISSN(e) – 2338-1353)
- (2020). Right to Justice and Legal Aid Barriers to the Vulnerable Non-Citizens in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space (Geografia), 16(1), 13-23
- (2020). The State of Human Rights Disclosure among Sustainably-Certified Palm Oil Companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Human Rights (SCOPUS)
Selected Projects and Grants
- Raising the Unheard Voices: Participation of the Immigrant Children & Young Persons in Oil Palm Smallholding Activities in Lahad Datu, Sabah (UKM Research Grant), 2019-2020
- Human Rights Anchored In Business: Practices And Challenges In Malaysia (UKM Research Grant), 2020
- Mapping the Recommendations of the Universal Period Review (UPR) for Malaysia with the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs (External grant, the United Nations country Team – UNCT, 2020)
- Appointed as the Malaysia’s National Researcher for the AICHR’s Thematic Study on Legal Aid in Malaysia and ASEAN, ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), 2017-2018.
- Appointed as a Co-Researcher for the UNICEF-ISIS’s Situational Analysis on Vulnerable Children in Malaysia, UNICEF Malaysia and Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), 2019.
- Appointed as a National Consultant to conduct background studies on Forced Labour and Child Labour for International Labour Organization (ILO) Malaysia, 2018-2019.
- Appointed as a National Researcher by the Indonesia’s Human Rights Working Group and Sasakawa Peace Foundation to undertake a rapid assessment on the impacts of COVID-19 to migrant workers and non-citizen population in Malaysia, Jun-Oct 2020
- Appointed as a Joint Researcher by Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) and Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), to undertake a mapping of migrant workers’ recruitment in the Nepal-Malaysia Corridor, Oct 2020 – Mar 2021